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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh No You Didn't

Pretty damn catchy song, it is. If only there were more done in this style. Rap, but not. Check it out:

You can download the MP3 for free right now off their website @ Pandemic Studios.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Voice Over Guys

You've heard their voice. Hundreds of times in commercials... movie trailers. Almost everything that's been produced from Hollywood, you've heard these guys. Now I'm gonna share with you a couple of them.

Don LaFontaine -

Hal Douglas -

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Death Star in San Francisco

The end is nigh! The Empire has reached Earth!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

House of the Dead : OverKill

I really wish I had a Wii. Not only that, I wish the big screen TV I have in my apartment was working. Anyways, This new game trailer here, House of The Dead : Overkill, so very much reminds me of the Quentin And Rodriguez GrindHouse movies. It's humorous and gore filled. You'll laugh... you'll go "Ewww!" alot and stuff. Which is why it'd be cool if I got to play it.

Oh well... Just have a gander yourself. Lots of fun stuff here:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Season 3 Heroes Promotion

I loved Season 1 of Heroes. Season 2 was a bit off in that it tried to reboot something that was already awesome and attempted to recreate the build up the first season. When it really didn't need to at all. Though there were some most excellent stories told and deeper character stories, it didn't really fit that great. Then we had the Writer's Strike of 2008 and everything got shoved off the table.

But anyways, here's the video. Hopefully they'll make this season go back to the kick-ass nature that Heroes was intended to be.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

This is SPARTA!!

Gotta love me some 300 fan art stuff. This one especially since the artist, Genzoman, always has some kickass artwork being shown off.

Leonidas by *GENZOMAN on deviantART

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stuff by Kris Wilson

Well, one day on DeviantArt I saw this guy's little stick comic on the front page and everything he's done on it has been pretty awesome. You should go check out his gallery here. Right here is an example of the type of humor he does:

Suck by *kris-wilson on deviantART

And then today, he posted some music he's done since a friend of his made up a little flash player. They're all pretty damn good if you ask me. If he put his mind to it, I'm better he could do a game soundtrack if he wanted. Check out the player and it's playlist here. (direct link to the flash player)

On a side note, I had the special experience last night of my contact again migrating itself behind my eyeball. That's right. My eye was dry so I was rubbing it then poof! There it went! So while playing with my eyelid to get it to move itself out, it must have came out. Because I was hoping today it was still behind my eye and sleeping would push it out, but it wasn't on my bed or my face when I woke up. So I get the crappy experience of going over and getting another set of contacts. *sigh*